Chongqing College of Architecture and Technology
Application Form for International Students
用中文或英文填写(请用印刷体)/To be completed in Chinese or English (please print clearly)
姓/Family name
名/Give name
性别/Sex 男□Male 女□Female |
照片photo |
中文名 /Chinese name |
已婚□Married 未婚□Single |
出生日期 /Date of birth |
年/year 月/month 日/date
出生地点/Place of birth |
护照号码 /Passport No. |
宗教/Religion |
最后学历 /Previous education |
现职业 /Occupation |
现学习/工作单位 /Current studying institution or employer |
永久联系地址/Permanent mailing address 电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: E-mail: 家长电子邮件及电话、Email address and Phone numbers of Parents:
电话/Tel: E-mail: |
申请学习时间/Intended duration at SDCA 从/from 年/year 月/month 日/date至/to 年/year 月/month 日/date |
现有汉语水平(认识多少汉字)/Present level of mandarin(Check the appropriate box to indicate the number of Chinese words you know) □无/none □约800/about 800 □约1500/about 1500 □约2500/ about 2500 □3500以上/ over 3500 其它语言/Other Language(s) |
来华学习类别/Program applied for: □学历生教育(注明专业)___________/Degree Education Programs (list intended field) 非学历教育/Non-degree courses □国际学生汉语语言进修项目Chinese Language Training Program for International Students □专业进修生_________________(注明专业)/General scholar student(list intended field)
在华事务担保人单位和电话/Guarantor & Tel |
经费来源 /Source of Funding 奖学金/Scholarship □ 自费 /Self-supporting □ 其它/other □ 经济担保人或机构Name and Address of Financial support:
申请人承诺/ I hereby affirm that: 1、上述各项中所提供的情况真实无误。 All the information given in this form is true and correct. 2、作为一名学生,我保证在中国学习期间将遵守中国的法律、法规和学校的规章制度,尊重学校的教学安排等。 As a student studying in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government and regulations of the College, and respect the teaching and learning arrangement by the College.
申请人签字/Signature of the applicant: 日期/ Date:
留学生管理办公室意见 Administrative Evaluation |
签字/Signature: 日期/ Date: |
分管领导审批 Administrative Approval |
签字/Signature: 日期/ Date: |
校长审批 President Approval |
签字/Signature: 日期/ Date: |
联系方式/Contact Information: 太阳集团见好就收9728国际交流与合作处 External Cooperation Office 中国重庆沙坪坝区大学城明德路3号 3 Mingde Road,University Town, Shangpingba District, Chongqing,P.R.China 邮编 Post code:401331 电话Tel:+86 185*****503 传真Fax:86-023-61691807 邮箱 E-mail:cjyguojichu@163.com Web:http:
备注/Remarks: 1、申请表及其它所需材料扫描件以一个完整的PDF格式文件发送至邮箱cjyguojichu@163.com Scanned copies of the application form and other required materials should be sent to cjyguojichu@163.com as a complete PDF file PDF format 2、入学报到时需提供申请表及其它所需材料原件。 The original application form and other required materials shall be provided for enrollment.